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 Liste de Vinyl Hardcore a Vendre

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2 participants

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 45
Localisation : Epinal
Profession : Fonctionnaire
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2012

Liste de Vinyl Hardcore a Vendre Empty
MessageSujet: Liste de Vinyl Hardcore a Vendre   Liste de Vinyl Hardcore a Vendre Icon_minitimeMar 04 Sep 2012, 20:32

* Jensen - Hammerfall (12") (Bastard Loud Records) BL 023 - €2.00
* Alcore - Body Hammer (2x12") (Epiteth Rec.) pth025 - €10.00
* Aphasia - Kronik 2 The Galaxy (12") (Bloc 46) BLOC 46-008 - €5.00
* Caecom - Dark Temple Vol. 2 (12") (Dark Temple) DT 002 - €2.00
* Catscan - Capture In Distress (12") (The Third Movement) T3RDM-00005 - €3.00
* Catscan - Finishing Profiles (12") (The Third Movement) T3RDM-00010 - €2.00
* Chappy The Plumber - Chappy Vs. Le Zingueur (12") (Epileptik Productions) EPK 001 - €2.00
* D.O.M. - Acid War - Remixes (12") (Stay Up Forever Remix) S.U.F.R .3 - €12.00
* Deadface - Evil Side EP (12", EP) (Psychik Genocide) PKG 11 - €3.00
* DJ Stahlin - The 13th Warrior (12") (Epileptik Productions) EPK 026 - €3.00
* Empatysm - Freshfreak V3 (12") (Passe-Muraille) PM 020 - €4.00
* DJ Fantom - Soundcraft EP (12", EP) (Teknomad Records) TNM 01 - €5.00
* Hardcoholics - Déprogrammation (12") (Epileptik Productions) SHORT EPK 07 - €10.00
* Hardcoholics - Total Immersion Part 1 (12") (Epileptik Productions) EPKHS 3-1 - €2.00
* Hardmakz - Striking Wave Vol. 2 (12") (Striking Wave Records) SW 02 - €2.00
* Headroom - Burning Angels Vol. 1.01 (12") (Synewave) SW48 - €2.00
* Helitrailer - Pax Tecum (12") (Epileptik Productions) EPK 015 - €2.00
* Hibou - Chrysanthemes (12") (Posthume) Tombe 02 - €3.00
* Joshua - Sombre Harmonie Part 1 (12") (Epiteth Rec.) PTH024/1 - €2.00
* Joshua - Sombre Harmonie (12") (Epiteth Rec.) pth024-3 - €3.00
* Joshua / Fast Forward - Joshua Meets Fast Forward (12") (Epiteth Rec.) pth023 - €20.00
* Manu Le Malin - Bloc 46/006 Remix Project (12") (Bloc 46, Bloc 46) BLOC 46 011 - €4.00
* Mental Wreckage - Real (12") (Symp.tom) SMPT003 - €4.00
* Mental Wreckage - Structural Chaos (12") (Symp.tom) SMPT001 - €5.00
* Popof - XXX (12") (XXX (4)) none - €20.00
* Sulphuric Saliva vs. Monoculture - Untitled (12") (Gazole Records) GZL 08 - €10.00
* DJ Tieum* - Masta Zairam (12") (Tcher No Beat) TNB 07 - €2.00
* Various - The Trigger Album (2x12") (Provoke Recordings) PROVOKE 01 - €2.00
* Various - Untitled (12", Comp) (FCK Records) FCK-005 - €5.00
* 69db & Jack Acid - 69db 02 (12") (Network23) 69db 002 - €50.00
* BudBurnerz - Untitled (12") (Epileptik Productions) EPKHS1 - €2.00
* Deadface - Casus Belli EP (12", EP) (Neurotoxic) NRTX 08 - €2.00
* Empatysm & Dob Erman, The* - Capsule Core 01 (12") (Capsule Core) CapsCore01 - €2.00
* Frühschicht - Solution For A Hard Planet (12") (Thrust (2)) THR 013 - €1.00
* Glenn Wilson & Slobodan - Combined Elements (2x12") (Planet Rhythm Records) PRRUK030 - €1.00
* Gwakaï - Perfothympanik (12") (Gwakaï) GWAKAÏ 01 - €50.00
* Ingler - The Rumour (12") (Epiteth Rec.) pth015 - €5.00
* Joshua - Phase Extreme (12") (Epiteth Rec.) pth019 - €1.00
* Katharsis - Untitled (12") (Matiere Infectieuse Records) MIR 02 - €4.00
* Katharsis (2) - Pathologie (12") (Matiere Infectieuse Records) MIR 01 - €1.00
* Low Entropy - Emerald Planet (12") (Black Monolith Records) BMR 009 - €1.00
* Micropoint / Joshua + Karyane - From Explicit Bass Drum Vol. 2 (12") (Epiteth Rec.) pth014 - €2.00
* Moleculez - Robots EP (12", EP) (Neurotoxic) NRTX 17 - €3.00
* Neuroloop - Neurostorm (12") (HSC Records) SORL-HSC 001 - €1.00
* Pete Skank - Stay In Bed Forever / E.T. Likes LSD (12") (CiDrecords) CID001 - €8.00
* Skank - Numb & Number (12") (Headcase Records) HEADCASE 004 - €4.00
* SP 23 - Network 23 (12") (Rabbit City Records) CUT 011 - €10.00
* Space DJz - Harmonic Distortion (12") (Re-load Records) REL 962106 - €0.50
* SpeedyQ's - Deadline / Destiny's Shit (12") (Contrarotative) CTRV 07 - €2.00
* Dr. Strange - Doomed Metropolis (12") (Hardline Rekordingz) hardline8 - €5.00
* Spidikiouz - Modultoi (12") (Ks) KS 444 - €2.00
* Sons Of Gundso - The Dirty Part (12") (Drop Bass Network) DBN055 - €2.00
* 100 Kilo Maarten & Deimos & Sidephex - Industrial Shock 000 (2x12") PAM 009 - €2.00
* Core Pusher - Alwayz Gettin' Higher (12") (Traxtorm Records Sinful Edition) TRSE22 - €2.00
* Napalm - From Explicit Bass Drum Vol. 1 (12", RP) (Epiteth Rec.) pth006 - €5.00
* Hardcoholics - Destroy Your Enemy (12") (Destroy Your Enemy) D.Y.E. # 01 - €5.00
* DJ Torgull* - The Fridge (12") (IST Records) IST021 - €5.00
* Joshua - Striking Wave Vol. 1 (12") (Striking Wave Records) SW 01 - €6.00
* Moleculez / Goetia & Venom - Mind Pollution / Orphaned Land (12") (Psychik Genocide) PKGRX 06 - €5.00
* Jason Welch - Chase (12") (Endorphin Records) END 001 - €2.00
* Laura Grabb - TR System (12") (Cipher) CR02 - €5.00
* Faust vs. Cyanur / La Sale Affaire - Dead For Minute (12") (Epileptik Productions) EPK 027 - €2.00
* Ybrid - Untitled (12") (Hierapolis) HIERA 005 - €4.00
* Hoïkam - Dead (12") (Epiteth Rec.) pth021 - €5.00
* Koney - Software Failure (12") (Koney) KNY 003 - €6.00
* Double Face - Big Gun EP (12", EP) (Gazole Records) GAZOLE 3 - €5.00
* Miskatronic - Free Party In Arkham (12") (Miskatronic) MSK 02 - €6.00
* Ybrid - Defixio (2xLP) (Xunk) XKLP 003 - €9.00
* John Carpenter - Halloween (Schranz Mix) (12", Unofficial, S/Sided) (Schranz) SCHRANZ 044 - €1.00
* Ingler - The Rumour (12", RP) (Epiteth Rec.) pth015 - €12.00
* Sram - Noiz Pollution EP (12", EP) (B2K Records (Born To Kick)) B2K002 - €1.00
* Subversa VS Intergalactik Purifier - Striking Wave Rec. 05 (12") (Striking Wave Records) SW 005 - €3.00
* Ely Muff - Get Into The Car And Drive It All Over Me (12") (Capsule Core) capscore 05 - €5.00
* Al Zeimer - Sarkom (12") (Acaria) ACA 002 - €3.00
* DJ Radium - Vice Machine EP (12", EP) (Psychik Genocide) PKG 08 - €2.00
* Al Core - The Wardance E.P. (12", EP) (Psychik Genocide) PKG 05 - €3.00
* KI² - Untitled (12") (Zorp) ZORP2 - €8.00
* Crystal Meth - Les Akkros E.P. (12", EP) (B.E.A.S.T. Records) BEAST 17 - €8.00
* DJ Producer, The - Doomsday Mechaniks (Part 1) (12") (46 Records) 46.004 - €3.00
* Moleculez vs Sarin Assault - Untitled (12") (Sadistic) Sadistic002 - €3.00
* Mind Control Society - Dark Symphony (12") (H2OH Recordings) H2O68 - €2.00
* Mute. - Minimizing Acoustic Distortion In Home Theaters (12") (Symp.tom) SMPT002 - €3.00
* Manga Corps - The Hunter - Remixes (12") (Industrial Strength Limited) ISL 12 - €3.00
* Moleculez - Machine Breakdown (12") (The Third Movement) T3RDM 0055 - €2.00
* Satronica vs LowTek - Die This Way (12") (Black Monolith Records) BMR 014 - €5.00
* Various - Biomechanik III Part 1 (12") (46 Records) 46.002 - €4.00
* Emperator, The - Lost Souls EP (12", EP) (Crossbones) BONES 003 - €3.00
* KVN* - Satan BV (12") (DNA Tracks) DNA02 - €2.00
* Ophidian & Tapage - Phataa Diin God E.P. (12", EP) (Bionic Recordings) BIONIC 11 - €6.00
* Fifth Era - Doomcore Tyrants Rise (12", Ltd) (Fifth Era) FE 17 - €5.00
* Fifth Era - Untitled (12") (Fifth Era) FE 14 - €6.00
* DJ Stahlin / Moleculez - Nordcore 8 (12") (Nordcore Records) NORD 8 - €7.00
* Murmure - Cyclic Pulsation (12", Whi) (Industrial Movement) IM007 - €2.00
* The Mastery - E.S.T. Electronical Sound Theory EP (12", EP) (Arena) ARN 08 - €2.00
* Joshua - Prohibited Love (Part 1) (12") (Striking Wave Records) SW 06 - €2.00
* Mute. - Conveyed In Wordless Detail (12") (Symp.tom) SMPT004 - €2.00
* Various - Biomechanik III: The Final Chapter (LP Volume 2) (12") (46 Records, UWe) 46.003 - €7.00
* Mescalinum United - We Have Arrived 2002 (Remixes) (12") (Acardipane Records) ACA2017.001/12 - €3.00
* Joshua - Imas Qui Serat EP (12", EP) (Neurotoxic) NRTX 16 - €3.00
* Hibou - Empoisonnes (12") (Posthume) Tombe 04 - €2.00
* Dep Affect - The Larvae (12") (The Third Movement) T3RDM 0094 - €2.00
* DJ Lunatic & Miss Hysteria / Partyraiser meets Scrape Face - Hoodoo EP (12", EP) Bass-004 - €2.00
* Various - E-Changeur De Mondes (12") (Provokation) PVK 01 - €2.00
* Various - Soundbites Vol. 1 (12") (Industrial Strength Records) IS063 - €1.50
* Various - Chilie's Sick Mind EP (12") (Noise Factory) NF012 - €2.00
* The Firm - Distorted Harmony EP (12") (Hardsonic) Hardsonic 02 - €1.00
* Moleculez - Lucifer's Infernal Empire At Midnight (12") (Phuture Rave Recordings) PRV005 - €2.00
* Moleculez And Leeloo - Worm Squadron (12") (Squadron) SQUADRON003 - €2.00
* Stunned Guys, The & DJ Paul* - Thrillseeka - Remixing Project 2 (12") (Traxtorm Records) TRAX 0054 - €3.00
* Relic, The - Exaggerate (10") (Fix Records) FIX 02-100017 - €1.00
* Joshua - Untitled (10", Ltd, Gre) (P'tit Gris Records) P'TIT GRIS 06 - €4.00
* Dolphin (6) & Teknoist, The - Soul Cannibal / Closing Down (12") (Planet Mu) ZIQ128 - €2.00
* Wishmaster, The - Extrema Ratio (12") (Bionic Recordings) BIONIC 013 - €1.00
* Le Bruit Qui Court - Blood Bowl E.P (12", EP) (Epileptik Productions) EPK 030 - €2.00
* Wavelan vs. Disintegrator - B2B / Your Power (12") (IST Records) IST018 - €20.00
* Various - Provoke 02 (12") (Provoke Recordings) PROVOKE 02 - €4.00

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 7
Age : 41
Localisation : biarritz
Profession : artiste
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2013

Liste de Vinyl Hardcore a Vendre Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liste de Vinyl Hardcore a Vendre   Liste de Vinyl Hardcore a Vendre Icon_minitimeMer 10 Avr 2013, 16:00

petite question sur
Micropoint / Joshua + Karyane - From Explicit Bass Drum Vol. 2 (12") (Epiteth Rec.) pth014
la pochette est en couleur ou noir et blanc ?
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