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 Interview: The Sickest Squad (Italy)

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 7194
Age : 36
Localisation : i kill yyyouuuuuuu
Profession : adjoint de reception en hôtellerie
Zik preférée : i:gor GIMME SOME MORE
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2008

Interview: The Sickest Squad (Italy) Empty
MessageSujet: Interview: The Sickest Squad (Italy)   Interview: The Sickest Squad (Italy) Icon_minitimeMer 17 Nov 2010, 23:42

Nov 18, 2010

The Sickest Squad (Jacopo Stevanato & Samuele Gozzo) are my favourite Frenchcore producers; its such a hard choice, but I think their style suits me the most. Their productions are hard, dark, fast and energetic – which are the 4 main ingredients of good hardcore for me. I saw The Sickest Squad this year at Hardcore Gladiators and apart from Hellfish/The DJ Producer’s set at Q-Base, they were the best act I saw in Europe. Okay, so Radium and Partyraiser were really cool too but there is just something about The Sickest Squad’s style I enjoy more. They are booked regularly all over Europe and continue to push the boundaries of the Frenchcore style for their fans, and I have nothing but respect for them for doing what they love.I hope our readers here enjoy this interview as much I did, and I would like to send out a big thanks to Jacopo & Samuele for their amazing music and this great interview.

Interview: The Sickest Squad (Italy) Sick-300x161

When did The Sickest Squad start producing music?

The Sickest Squad: We started to produce our first tracks in the year 2000 and in 2003 we released our first EP as the alias Sick DJ Team on G-Net Records. After a couple of years we made the first Sickest Squad EP on Neurotoxic “The Sickest EP”. In that period we got really crazy about the Frenchcore sound but we weren’t totally satisfied with our EP so we tried to evolve our Frenchcore to something new and different. After some long and hard work we finally released the Boomshakalaka EP on Randy 909% featuring Lenny Dee and Randy. It was the first perfect hybrid between hardcore and Frenchcore, that we call SICKCORE!

How did The Sickest Squad become involved with Frenchcore genre?

The Sickest Squad: In the beginning (1996) we started listening to hardcore. In 2002 we bought a Radium aka Micropoint tape, and it was immediate love! For the first time we heard something different from the normal style that made us totally crazy about it!

What do The Sickest Squad like about the Frenchcore genre?

The Sickest Squad: We like the speed (around 200bpm, faster than the normal hardcore) and the kick that is totally different from the mainstream one. Another good side of this new hardcore “subgenre” is that Frenchcore is something new and fresh so it is possible to experiment a lot with it!

How long have The Sickest Squad been playing at parties?

The Sickest Squad: With The Sickest Squad alias (Sick DJ Team) we are playing at parties 5 years ago. Our first appearance together was in 2001 in a little club near Milan, but it was before the birth of The Sickest Squad and Sick DJ Team. Around 2002/2003 we played sometimes as SICK DJ TEAM but only at small parties.

Do The Sickest Squad prefer DJ or live sets?

The Sickest Squad: We’ve never played a DJ set! We always play live because we only play our own tracks (most are unreleased).

Is there many Frenchcore events in Italy?

The Sickest Squad: Actually the Italian Frenchcore scene is starting to get big! There are a lot of small parties every weekend and you can find a Frenchcore area at most of the mainstream parties. Like we told you the Frenchcore subgenre is something “new” so this is one of the reasons why the scene starts to be really popular.

What event would The Sickest Squad most like to play at?

The Sickest Squad: There are many parties where we would like to play like “Decibel” and “Masters of Hardcore”, and soon there will be some good news about it!

Who are your influences?

The Sickest Squad: We can talk about it for many hours! We normally listen to all kinds of music. Our favourites are: dubstep, electro and drum n bass. But in the past we have listened to punk, metal, hardcore, hardstyle etc etc. We think that to be a good producer, you must have a 360° musical culture!

THV: What do you guys do besides producing?

The Sickest Squad: We eat and drink! hahaha jokes apart, we produce music, manage bookings and plan everything for parties. It takes a lot of time so we only make time for this in our lives.

Any words for the Sickcore fans?

The Sickest Squad: When you listen to a real Sickcore live set you will never stop to listen it! We hope to come to Australia too, to infect all your minds with our Sickcore!For more info and tracks, check out The Sickest Squad on MySpace

en français grosomodo


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Expert du forum
Expert du forum

Masculin Nombre de messages : 7194
Age : 36
Localisation : i kill yyyouuuuuuu
Profession : adjoint de reception en hôtellerie
Zik preférée : i:gor GIMME SOME MORE
Date d'inscription : 04/03/2008

Interview: The Sickest Squad (Italy) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Interview: The Sickest Squad (Italy)   Interview: The Sickest Squad (Italy) Icon_minitimeMer 17 Nov 2010, 23:46

qu'un mot! RESPECT!!!!!!

artistes montent en fleche!!!! hate de voir la prochaine MOH!!!

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you
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Interview: The Sickest Squad (Italy)
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